mercredi 5 décembre 2012

Did It Ever Happen to You When...

When you try to carry all the groceries in one trip:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you don’t get a joke at first, but then it sinks in:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you get home and dinner is on the table:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When a typo destroys your entire argument:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you wake up after a long night of partying:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When someone stupid says something smart:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you can’t find the straw in your drink:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you’re in the dressing room and something actually looks good:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you see the same stranger twice in one day:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you compare someone’s dating profile pic with their actual appearance:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you’re watching a really good movie and someone asks you to come help them with something:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When no amount of reasoning will get someone to realize they are wrong:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you go outside right after fixing your hair:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you get in the shower:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you get out of the shower:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When it’s Sunday night and you remember it’s a three-day weekend:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you were little and your mom said, “Okay, who broke this?”:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When your parents ask you who you’re talking to on the phone:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you accidentally put your phone’s ringtone on maximum volume:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you throw something at the garbage can and it goes in:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you wake up the next day after partying all night:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17
When you try to see out the airplane window from the aisle seat:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 17When something you bought online finally arrives in the mail:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
How you feel when Jehovah’s Witnesses come to your house:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When your friend has an incredibly stupid, but hilarious idea:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When your friend has food, but you don’t:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When you lose a board game:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When a cute girl walks by:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When someone steps on your brand-new shoes:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
As a teen, when you come home from hanging out with friends and your parents interrogate you like, “Are you on drugs!?”:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When employees in a store won’t stop asking if you need any help:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When someone is drunk and talking to you:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When you’re walking past all the food in a buffet:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When you see a free sample table at the grocery store:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When you realize you left your phone somewhere:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When your ex wants to get back together:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When someone you deleted off Facebook tries to add you again:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When someone tries to wake you up in the morning:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When a single person gives you dating advice:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When your drink is getting dangerously low at a restaurant and you see the waitress coming to refill it:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When you’re checking someone out like a creeper:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18
When you change your profile pic and are waiting for people to like it:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 18

Your hairdresser when you say, “just a trim”:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When someone near you is wearing too much perfume:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you try to take your sock off with the other foot:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When your order is ready at McDonalds:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you visit your grandmother’s house:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you wake up to the smell of bacon being cooked:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you finish eating a bag of chips:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you overhear friends talking about you and they say you’re cool:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you watch a reality show with your girlfriend:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you get home from the gym:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you look at things you wrote over a year ago:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When someone falls for a prank you set up:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you go the dentist:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
Whenever you try to fix something:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When the clock hits 5 on a Friday and you’re in the middle of work:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When someone tries to tickle you:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you’re drinking and the buzz starts to hit you:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19
When you’re in the dressing room at a store and the outfit you try on looks amazing:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 19

When you make fun of your best friend:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
…But if someone else makes fun of your best friend:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When you realize how much work you have to catch up on:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When someone tries to sell you stuff on the street:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When you’re spooning your girlfriend and her hair gets in your face:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
Your friends when you get home from a date:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When you’re about to run out of the house and realize you forgot something:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When your boss says you can leave work early if you want to:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When you’re waiting for a page to load:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When you look in the mirror and feel like you’re looking good:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When someone bothers you while you’re trying to eat:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When someone is wrong on the Internet:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
How you feel on payday:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When you see someone you know on TV:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When a friend calls you from a party:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
One hour into your diet:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When there is nothing to eat:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21
When your weekend plans are ruined by the weather:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 21When you get invited to something you don’t want to go to, but can’t think of an excuse:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you’ve been adding up a bunch of numbers on a calculator and you accidentally hit the wrong button:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When someone calls you and you don’t want to answer:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When people think your platonic guy/girl friend is actually your boyfriend/girlfriend:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you’re telling a story, but then realize no one cares what you’re talking about:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When your new shoes make a squeaky noise:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you leave work on Friday:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When the waiter brings out your order first so you have to be polite and wait for the rest of your party’s food to arrive:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you see someone you hate in public:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you’re trying to smile naturally for a photo:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you try to explain something to that one friend who never understands anything:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When your Internet connection finally comes back after being disconnected:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you wake up the next day after a night of partying:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you tasted Nutella for the first time:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
Every time you open the fridge:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you put on your jeans right out of the dryer:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When someone wants a bite:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you try to wink suggestively:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20
When you bite into a slice of pizza and it’s too hot:
Did It Ever Happen to You When… Part 20

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